Butterfly in the Storm – Nenagh Arts Centre

Butterfly in the Storm

Butterfly in the Storm, Saturday 26th April, 7:00pm, €10.

Gary Scully, Butterfly in the Storm, returns to the NAC with his unique fusion of the genres. After last year’s full house and night of controlled mayhem, this is a night not to be missed. A night of Storytelling,
Comedy, Spoken Word, Live Music, Videography and outright divilment!

YouTube channel: Butterfly in the Storm

All the material, music, video and dialogue, is written, recorded, mixed
and produced by Gary Scully, Butterfly in the Storm.

Suitable for : 15 +

Any Warnings : Some strong language

Duration : Approx. 1 hour 30 minutes

Interval : None

Here’s just a sample of last year’s sell-out performance :

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