Submissions for Nenagh Children’s Film Festival 2022 are now OPEN!
A weekend of screenings, workshops and Q&A’s dedicated to our creative youth. In 2022 we will host a blended festival of online and in person activities and look forward to showcasing the very best in animation & film.
Nenagh Children’s Film Festival is established to support Film and Filmmakers who create work for young audiences. As an international festival we welcome submissions from all over the world from professionals and students alike.
Our submission categories are:
– Professional: working full time in film or animation
– Student: 18+ in full time third level education
– Schools: 8-15 years, submissions through a school representative or Teacher
The 3 day festival, from 10th – 12th June 2022, will include short film & animated screenings, and student screenings as well workshops for young people.
For more information and to submit head over to Film Freeway
Deadline for Submissions is March 31st.
CLICK HERE for our open call for Next Gen Animators.
8 -15 year olds will be able to submit their own creation to our film festival. Using any type of animation technique, such as stop motion, hand drawn, computer generated, clay, sand or even flip book animation and the piece submitted must be no longer than 5 minutes.